Other Services
I can offer you different extra services, complementary to your premade cover or to the customized cover you asked me to project for you. These services will be useful to sponsor your book on the various socials to make it even more unique and complete. Once you bought the premade cover, or you asked for a customized cover, you can choose from this following extra products:
Cover for printing, $ 50 supplement for single cover. Supplement for a set of $ 35 each
The most common request is to make the ebook cover- the one you have already bought and commissioned- in a version for the press, as well. Two options exist to make your book paper: handcover or paperbook. Handcover= binded book in hard cover The hardbook cover is a covering of the hard cover of the book, with small wings that envelop the cover itself and protect it. Paperbook= binded book in a thin cover In case you would like to benefit from one of the above-mentioned services I need you to provide me – other than the title and the name of the author we already know- also the texts to insert in the fourth cover. Texts that must not go beyond 200/250 characters. Furthermore I have to know the number of the pages, in case I decided to make it published by CreateSpace. In case you have a personal publisher that is printing your book, you will have to provide me the spine dimension. In fact, each printer uses a different paper grammar and if you’ll only provide me the number of the pages, that will not be a sufficient information to guarantee the spine precision. You can also insert, if you like, the picture of the author and a brief biography.
Cover Vella kindle $ 75
The new Kindle Cover Vella format is now available in our services. The cover is suitable for short, serialized stories.
Audiobooks covers 70$
The 2400 x 2400 file will be provided in two versions with banner on the right and without banner
Audiobooks covers, addition of BooKlet 90$
If you decide to publish your book even in audio version, I can make an internal and external cover of the CD.
Facebook Timeline Design, supplementary 60$
I can also make the sponsoring of your book for the page of your social networks, of your website or your blog.
3D rendering starting at $ 20
I make any render in 3D in different formats and png formats with transparent background. These will be useful to make any sponsor for your book, both for the web and the press.
Fantasy Map, 250$
Pleased to introduce my new custom fantasy map service. They are entirely hand drawn. No stock images used. Whether your world is populated by elves, witches, medieval warriors or legendary and mythological creatures, maps play an important role in the description of the territory. If you need a custom fantasy map you can fill out the design contract
Segnalibro, 50$
Il segnalibro è un altro oggetto che posso realizzare per te. Le misure possono essere scelte da me oppure sarà il vostro stampatore di fiducia che vi comunicherà un formato che viene regolarmente utilizzato da loro.
I make and I project color vector logos or in B/N for your edition.
I create and project vector logos in color or B / W for your edition.
Logo in B / W 173 $
Logo in color 230 $

Animated Banner 100$
Custom animated banner.
It is possible to create it both in GIF (recommended) and in video format (MP4, QuickTime).
Any other request please notify us using the contact form